Interface JBenchEventListener

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JBenchEventListener
extends java.util.EventListener

Interface used for the output of all results. Note that currently all reasons etc are in English - this is not internationalisable (yet).

It should be possible to implement this interface in a way that is stateless in reference to JBench itself, only maintaining any state relating to the output itself (eg which Writer to write to).

The order in which these methods are called in a normal invocation of JBench is:

([] indicates that a method may not be called at all; * indicates that a method may be called more than once.)

Method Summary
 void allConfigurationSuccess(BenchSuite config)
          Called when all tasks have been configured
 void globalConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String reason)
          Called to report that global (general) configuration has failed
 void globalConfigurationSuccess(BenchSuite config)
          Called to report that global (general) configuration has succeeded
 void noTasks()
          Called when there are no successfully configured tasks (just before a runAbort)
 void runAborted(java.lang.String reason)
          Called when the run has been aborted due to a failure
 void runCompleted()
          Called to report that a JBench run has been completed
 void runStarting()
          Called when a JBench run is starting
 void suiteConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String description, java.lang.String reason)
          Called when a subsidiary suite has failed to be configured
 void suiteConfigurationStart(java.lang.String description)
          Called when a subsidiary suite is about to be configured
 void suiteConfigurationSuccess(java.lang.String description)
          Called when a subsidiary suite has successfully been configured
 void taskAborted(BenchTask task, int taskNumber, int taskTotal, java.lang.String reason)
          Called to report that a task has been aborted
 void taskCompleted(BenchTask task, int taskNumber, int taskTotal, TaskResults results)
          Called to report that a task has been completed
 void taskConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String taskClass, int taskNumber, java.lang.String reason)
          Called when a task has failed to be configured
 void taskConfigurationSuccess(BenchTask task, int taskNumber)
          Called when a task has successfully been configured
 void taskStarting(BenchTask task, int taskNumber, int taskTotal)
          Called to report that a set of tests are about to be run on a task
 void testFailed(BenchTask task, int taskNumber, int taskTotal, int testNumber, int testTotal, java.lang.String reason)
          Called to report that a test has failed
 void testStarting(BenchTask task, int taskNumber, int taskTotal, int testNumber, int testTotal)
          Called to report that a single test is about to be run

Method Detail


public void runStarting()
Called when a JBench run is starting


public void runAborted(java.lang.String reason)
Called when the run has been aborted due to a failure


public void globalConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String reason)
Called to report that global (general) configuration has failed


public void globalConfigurationSuccess(BenchSuite config)
Called to report that global (general) configuration has succeeded


public void taskConfigurationSuccess(BenchTask task,
                                     int taskNumber)
Called when a task has successfully been configured


public void taskConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String taskClass,
                                     int taskNumber,
                                     java.lang.String reason)
Called when a task has failed to be configured


public void suiteConfigurationSuccess(java.lang.String description)
Called when a subsidiary suite has successfully been configured


public void suiteConfigurationFailure(java.lang.String description,
                                      java.lang.String reason)
Called when a subsidiary suite has failed to be configured


public void suiteConfigurationStart(java.lang.String description)
Called when a subsidiary suite is about to be configured


public void noTasks()
Called when there are no successfully configured tasks (just before a runAbort)


public void allConfigurationSuccess(BenchSuite config)
Called when all tasks have been configured
tasks - all successfully configured BenchTasks


public void taskStarting(BenchTask task,
                         int taskNumber,
                         int taskTotal)
Called to report that a set of tests are about to be run on a task
task - task to be run
taskNumber - number of the task to be run (from 1)
taskTotal - total number of tasks to be run


public void testStarting(BenchTask task,
                         int taskNumber,
                         int taskTotal,
                         int testNumber,
                         int testTotal)
Called to report that a single test is about to be run
task - task to be run
taskNumber - number of the task to be run (from 1)
taskTotal - total number of tasks to be run
testNumber - number of the test to be run (from 1)
testTotal - total number of tests to be run for this task


public void testFailed(BenchTask task,
                       int taskNumber,
                       int taskTotal,
                       int testNumber,
                       int testTotal,
                       java.lang.String reason)
Called to report that a test has failed


public void taskAborted(BenchTask task,
                        int taskNumber,
                        int taskTotal,
                        java.lang.String reason)
Called to report that a task has been aborted


public void taskCompleted(BenchTask task,
                          int taskNumber,
                          int taskTotal,
                          TaskResults results)
Called to report that a task has been completed


public void runCompleted()
Called to report that a JBench run has been completed