Class TaskResults


public class TaskResults
extends java.lang.Object

Class encapsulating the results of a series of tests.

Constructor Summary
TaskResults(BenchSuite config, long[] times)
          Constructor creating a TaskResults object from a configuration and an array of times.
Method Summary
 long getMean()
          Returns the mean of the included results
 long getStandardDeviation()
          Returns the standard deviation of the included results
 long getTime(int num)
          Returns the time for the specified result
 long getVariance()
          Returns the variance of the included results
 int includedSize()
          Returns how many results were included from the statistics
 boolean isExcluded(int num)
          Returns whether or not the specified result was excluded from statistics
 int size()
          Returns how many results were obtained
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TaskResults(BenchSuite config,
                   long[] times)
Constructor creating a TaskResults object from a configuration and an array of times.
Method Detail


public int size()
Returns how many results were obtained


public int includedSize()
Returns how many results were included from the statistics


public long getTime(int num)
Returns the time for the specified result


public long getMean()
Returns the mean of the included results


public long getVariance()
Returns the variance of the included results


public long getStandardDeviation()
Returns the standard deviation of the included results


public boolean isExcluded(int num)
Returns whether or not the specified result was excluded from statistics