
Interface Summary
ProxyTaskInterface Interface used by ProxyTask.

Class Summary
ArrayFill Abstract class to enable simple array-fill benchmarking.
ArrayFill3dButler Subclass of ArrayFill which creates a 3-dimensional array (similar to ArrayFill3dOriginal) but fills it using a cache of which subarray is being used for each set of iterations.
ArrayFill3dOriginal Subclass of ArrayFill which creates a 3-d array (or rather an array of arrays of arrays), each dimension of which is the size as specified by ArrayFill.
ArrayFillPlain Subclass of ArrayFill which just creates an array of the specified size and fills it.
ArrayFillPseudo3d Plain array fill which merely cubes the size specified, to make the result comparable with ArrayFill3dOriginal and ArrayFill3dButler for the same size.
DoubleAdditionTask Simple demonstration (along with FloatAdditionTask) to illustrate the use of SimpleRepetitiveTask
FloatAdditionTask Simple demonstration (along with DoubleAdditionTask) to illustrate the use of SimpleRepetitiveTask
ListFill Very simple implementation of BenchTask.
ListSort Very simple implementation of BenchTask.
MultipleListTraverse Class to test traversal of many (small) lists as opposed to one big one.
PreparedStatementTask Class to create a large number of similar or the same PreparedStatements on a single connection - this tests whether or not the driver itself caches the parsed statements.
ProxyTask Task to determine the overhead of Proxy calls.
ReflectionTask Class to test reflection speed.
SimpleTask Abstract class to make simple tasks easier to write.