Sample JBench tasks

The binary distribution of JBench comes with a secondary jar file, demotasks.jar. This contains various benchmarking tasks which have appeared in newsgroups; it will grow over time. Its purpose is to help to give samples for those developing their own tasks, and to avoid replication of benchmarking tasks. The source distribution of JBench comes with the source code for these tasks (in the package), and they are built as part of the normal build procedure.

demotasks.jar contains a manifest entry to include JBench.jar in its classpath, so to run these samples you need merely have both jar files in the same directory and run
java -jar demotasks.jar
where is an appropriate property file. Each sample has a properties file in the etc/sampleproperties directory of the distribution.

(I'll write up details of what the tasks are for at a later date :)

JBench Manual