Building JBench

Building JBench is (should be) simple:
  1. Get and install ant from the Ant Project Page (The optional tasks are not needed by the JBench build procedure.)
  2. Get the JBench source distribution from the JBench Project Page
  3. Unpack the distribution, which will create a JBench-(version) directory
  4. Run ant from the directory created - the default target is "all" which will clean and build everything
  5. Use the build/lib/JBench.jar file created
  6. If you wish to recompile the native library used for more accurate timing, look in the native directory - there are makefiles for Linux, Win32 and Solaris.
I'm still a relative Ant newbie, so if you run into problems (or have any suggestions as to how the build procedure could be improved), please mail me.
JBench Manual